In contrast to my usual single-haiku or haibun approaches to video micropoetry, this more ambitious effort incorporates cell-phone footage and lines or stanzas I’ve been working on all month. Basically, it’s a one-person, modern, 12-verse renku in video form. I’ve been surprised and flattered by some very kind reactions to it from people I admire.

Really enjoyed this video poem, Dave. I write poems (and fiction) and I love taking photos but I’ve never combined them. Great work.
Thank you! If poetry filmmaking is something you think you might be interested in getting into, the wonderful Helen Dewbery and Chaucer Cameron offer an online course through their Poetry Film Live site.
This is a beautiful and atmospheric piece of work. I loved that single red leaf, the rattlesnake taking its time about things, the trick of the leaves floating upwards, and of course, the caterpillar (text and image were perfectly attuned throughout). Also, having bought myself a guitar last year, I was completely envious of that raw, laid-back blues soundtrack. Thank you so much for enriching my weekend.
Julie X
Thanks for the kind words. I’m so glad it worked for you. As for that blues track, it was almost the first thing I ran across on my search – hours of looking for other things ultimately led me to settle for “first thought, best thought”. There’s still a surprising amount of activity on ccMixter, considering how small it is relative to, say, SoundCloud. They appear to have some genuine communities of musicians and remixers there.