A videohaiku sequence
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Seventeen videohaiku from London and Swindon, September-November 2019, completing the cycle of the year begun with Winter Trees and continuing with Pennsylvania Spring and Summer in the UK. All were shot on an iPhone, with haiku arising in response to the footage. Here are the texts for the benefit of the visually impaired. (Note that in a few cases the lineation differs from that given in the video.)
peace garden
the nonresistance
of leaves
back alleys
it’s not whether but how
we go to seed
building site
the four-square mounds
of unearthed earth
poetry festival
someone says the lake
isn’t a lake
in wild-
flower beds now
only the cosmos
200 years
after Keats’ ode
autumn persists
churchyard labyrinth
zeroing in
on the X
where the dead
are said to sleep
my autumn face
the immensity
of our loss
wet sidewalk
beneath the fallen leaves
another sky
London after Blake
bearded hipsters open
a pop-up brothel
in this human city
an ash tree sings
possessed by starlings
hunting mushrooms
I find
a small circus
November rain
a mouse forages under
the garden table
this slower autumn
from which there’s no return
cold to my bones
guard dog
wagging your tail
I’m leaving now
moon at the station
imagine belonging
to just one place