Pennsylvania Spring

A videohaiku sequence

Watch on Vimeo or watch on Youtube.

Twenty-four videohaiku with texts prompted by the footage and existing in dialogue with it, made between March 15-May 20, 2019 as a sequel to Winter Trees. See Via Negativa for a few process notes. Here’s a transcription of the texts for the visually impaired:

shedding its snow
the new
old mountain


March wind
the first rose-colored
vulture face


counting the rings
in the wood frog pond
another year


yellow-bellied sapsucker
its true name


former field
the ruffed grouse makes a drum
out of thin air


bee or not
the daffodils
keeping faith

sun-drenched woods
the first violets
are yellow


fake flowers
where they found his body
fly fishing


Good Friday
despite claw and knife marks
they’re no one’s beeches


wind flowers
the way Beethoven heard
an ode to joy


budburst time
the returned vet says he went
straight to the woods


spring rain
learning that Dad
has Parkinson’s


railroad ties
crowd the vanishing point


such a rush
to come back from the dead
April heat


coal country spring
all her doll’s new
imaginary friends


about the #MetGala
watch your step


red eft—
how salamandery
this path


painted trillium
already going limp
catch and release


this habit
of inhabiting hills
the ants and me


clouds lifting
the valley’s visible
clear to the bare earth


spring woods at dusk
a daytime firefly
flutters past


green green
the broken boughs hiding
that murdered girl


nitrous moon
your balloon voice gone
far and wee


do you miss the hard shell
of a perfect world?