Once a week, I spend a day trawling through the poetry blogs and compiling a digest at Via Negativa (archives here), and since mid-2023, also at a dedicated blog on Substack called ReVerse. While I can of course only read a small selection of the blogs that are out there, I try to keep things varied, in terms of content as well as geographical origin, though most of the English-language poets I follow are either in the US, the UK or Canada. As someone who’s never really believed in nation-states, I’m happy to do my part to help bring poets together and build international poetry community and solidarity. I’ve appreciated the assistance of the Poetry Blogging Network listing hosted on Kelli Russell Agodon’s blog, as well as UK blogger Matthew Stewart’s regular reviews of British poetry blogs at his site, Rogue Strands.
I tend to compile the digest in one sitting, in 4-6 hours, and publish on Monday late afternoon EST.